The 2-Minute Rule and the Eradication Of Stress & Anxiety

In the productivity space, the 2 minute rule (herein after referred to as TMR) is a useful tool to get started on something/anything and get motivated and get productive. In James Clear’s’s book Atomic Habits the TMR is a tool used to start a new habit by creating habits that take less than two minutes to complete.

The idea is to make your habits as easy as possible to start.

– James Clear, Atomic Habits

This same TMR is very helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and frustration. Let’s explore.

The first quarter of 2023 has been an extremely trepidatious period for me. At a certain point, it felt like it was coming to a head. One especially stressful day, I was up against a deadline, so I got to grinding away at my work.

I used the TMR to get started on the first task in my to-do list. Two minutes turned into 10 which turned into 1 hour, then 2 hours, and so on. This productivity built momentum and I carried it forward by tackling one more task after another until eventually, not only had my deadline been met, but also had my stress and anxiety eradicated. I left work that day feeling energized and motivated despite the looming feelings.

This insight taught me that not only can the TMR be used for productivity itself, but it can also be used to manage stress and anxiety.

Never mind what I was stressed or anxious about, probably nothing worth noting (I refer you to Lizards and Executives).

The bigger struggle, I then discovered, is how to stay organized and have some useful things at the ready to tackle. But that’s an entirely different discussion.

Try this little trick out the next time you’re feeling a bit stressed or anxious.

P.S. I noticed that I misattributed Atomic Habits to Ryan Holiday. It’s actually James Clear’s book. Sorry guys!

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