

By visiting jjk.engineer, you are consenting to my privacy policy. And since I don’t collect any of your data, there’s not much of a policy to create. Easy peasy, I don’t collect your shit, so I can’t share your shit.

Oh, and cookies, I’m not sure how and when (or even if) they’re collected by the computer, but I’m not saving anything like that on my end because cookies are bad for my waistline and blood sugar. So I’m not using that kinda crap either.

I’m probably missing something here that’ll bit me in the ass later (c’est la vie). I’ll add more at some point.

Earnings Disclaimer

Buuuuuut, I might make money off of something you click on when visiting my website, who knows. Click on some stuff, buy it, and if I start making money from this site, I’ll let everyone know in a new post some day.

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